Sunday 11 November 2018

Zelazny Illustrated by Vaughn Bode

Roger Zelazny is a writer, whose prose style I find very hard to read.

I find the works of Ray Bradbury to be of the same, almost poetic slant.

I like my writers to be a little less fey and a bit more concrete but hat does not mean that I have any less regard for the contributions that Bradbury and Zelazny made to the Science Fiction & Fantasy genre.

Hey, while we are on the subject, I had high hopes that I would be able to read Ursula K. Le Guin's, Earthsea cycle of stories, 
especially since they are now available in a single, HUGE volume that has been illustrated by Charles Vess.

Unfortunately, even with the assistance of Mr. Vess' artwork, I still find that it is an up hill slog, for me to read the prose!

My loss, I am sure.

Getting back to the seed that produced this posting...

The late, great Vaughn Bode, illustrated a couple of slim volumes, written by Roger Zelazny, that were eventually published by Donald M. Grant.

They were the the children's stories, 
Here There Be Dragons and Way Up High,
originally published in 1992 and then republished in 2016.

Vaughn Bode was a complex individual, who managed to draw his illustrations and comic strips, in a wonderfully cartoony manner.

Here is a taste of the art that he produced, commissioned by Zelazny himself, to illustrate the stories.

I don't own either book and I have never actually seen a copy.

If I had, I would probably have bought them, since I have an abiding fascination with the art works of Vaughn Bode.

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