Sunday 14 July 2019

Marshall Rogers Drew Erotic Comics!

Before reading this, I should make it clear that the images, that are contained in this post, are 

You Have Been Warned!

Just at the cusp, of his becoming the new 
Hot Batman Artist,
Marshall Rogers was making his rent money
by drawing an Erotic comic strip for
one of the lower echelon, to be sure
but their money was as good as anyone else's!

Oddly, when I went searching on-line, for any mention of these works, I was astonished to find out that, 
other than this brief mention, from the lips of the man himself:

I worked for "[r]eal low-grade schlock sleazo magazines that had illustrations to precede the stories".

At the same time, he too, failed to mention the comic strips.

So, there you have it.

I hope no one takes offence because, truthfully, by modern standards, these pages are pretty tame.

Marshall Rogers went on to redefine The Batman and to have an extended career in comic books, which was unfortunately cut short, by a probable heart attack, at the age of 57, in 2007.

Along with a lot of other people, in the late Seventies, I was really impressed with the Batman stories, that Rogers and Englehart produced and for me, that was Marshall's peak.

Rest easy, Marshall, you left a lasting impression.

1 comment:

  1. My favourite has to still be his Cap'n Quick and A Foozle!
    I've still got the t-shirt!Sorry Bat-fans.
