Sunday 30 September 2018

Jeff Jones' Blind Narcissus Painting

Here is the strange case of Diane Pitre Stevens and her connection to the reasonably famous painting, by the late Jeff Jones, entitled Blind Narcissus.

I have not found any supporting evidence, other than the image above, where she is shown, similarly posed, in front of a copy of the painting, done as a mural


Diane uses the portrait part of the painting, as a banner,  on her Facebook page and she does bear a resemblance to the girl in the painting.

On top of which, some of the people in her Facebook friends list, are people who were in the mix at Marvel Comics and Neal Adams' Continuity Studio, during the mid-Seventies.

Diane is the girl on the left, in this photograph from that time period.

So, at the very least, it is a possibility.

It would be interesting to know for sure and perhaps Jeff's ex-wife, Louise, who has been married to Walt Simonson for the last 
thirty eight years, might know
but this is just idle speculation and I have no wish to annoy, or disturb anyone, over it.

I think that it is her nose, that has a very distinctive shape, that is the most compelling visual clue but whatever the truth of the matter, the painting is a classic.

Thank you Jeff, for filling my young mind with flights of fantasy and inspiring me, to try and draw as well as you did.  

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