Thursday 16 November 2017

Vaughn Bode and the Detroit Triple Fan Fair

It is hard to be sure, but from the signature, this appears to be a Vaughn Bode sketch, of his trade marked Lizards in Nazi uniforms.

I just discovered it on the Blog,
"Cap'n's Comics"

I am still, despite the passage of the years, really angry about all of the comments and comic strips that Vaughn Bode never got to say or to draw.

In the intervening forty plus years, since his untimely death, I have met people who actually knew Vaughn, warts and all and at least one of them, thought that Vaughn was a self absorbed ego maniac.

Regardless, I still remember laughing myself hoarse, over the antics of Cheech Wizard, in the pages of The National Lampoon and I wish that there had been many more of them.

It is hard to believe that Mark Bode, Vaughn's son, is now twenty years older than his father ever got to be!


  1. Cheech Wizard's always been a favourite.
    Did you ever pick up the Lizard of Oz poster that the Silver Snail had stocked for a few years?
    ~jim b.

    1. I am a very poor Blogger, so please forgive me for such a tardy response. I bought my copy of the Lizard of Oz poster, while I was still living in England and brought it here, to Canada with me. It is still buried away somewhere, in one of my artist's portfolios, upstairs and I should pull it out for a look. Thank you for noticing my post.
