Friday 5 December 2014

Silver Snail Stories & the 10th Anniversary Poster

In 1986, the Silver Snail reached a milestone and
celebrated it's 10th Anniversary.

As part of the promotional ephemera,
Ken Steacy put together this little four page comic
which ends with the presentation, drawn by Ty Templeton,
of the Poster/Invitation to the celebration bash.

The eagle eyed amongst you will notice that the storefront is
depicted very carefully by the artist and it accurately
describes the original doorway to the store.

What it doesn't show, is the beautifully crafted stained glass door,
that bore a slightly elongated version of Roger Dean's 
Dragon's Dream logo.
I wonder where that piece of glass art is today.

Ken Steacy, as I have mentioned before, had a special
relationship with the store and would often stop by with his 
camera, to take reference shots for the strips he was working on.

When he drew the Alpha Flight story for Marvel Fanfare #28,
it was a story that used Toronto as a setting and I remembered Ken getting us to pose as background characters for him to photograph.

Surprised the heck out of me when I found that, I think it was Ken, had posted this one on his Facebook page!

Left to right it's:
Ron Van Leeuwen
Mark Askwith
Francois (behind)
Judy Connoly
Me...squashed up against the box and the wall.

The background is the Original Andromeda Warehouse space,
that was in the bottom/basement of an industrial building on Adelade, just below the Snail's position on Queen Street.

That's all for now, more later!


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