Monday 8 December 2014

Andromeda Publications, Their First "Previews" Style Catalogue

This must have seemed like a good idea, in 1991, with
Andromeda Publications making so much money that the 
Silver Snail comic shops were more like a sideline!

In the mould of Diamond's Previews Catalogue,
today this is simply a list of coming comic books and things as seen in January 1991 but it is an oddity, now that Andromeda has been dead and gone for 19 years.

Who could have foretold that the idiots that ran the comic book publishing world, would manage, in just a few years to make such a mess of things.  Although, I am sure that Steve Geppi wouldn't agree with that idea, since he walked out of the bloodbath as the winner.  We now live in Diamond's world, wether we like it or not.

My only real complaint is, that in the fall of 1994, I moved up north to Elliot Lake and in order to stay up to date with the comic book world, I paid for a years subscription to Comics Etc.
Who knew, that in the beginning of 1995,
Andromeda would declare bankruptcy and go out of business!

Ah,well.  You live and learn.

More Later.

1 comment:

  1. omgggg... the catalogs. Imagine inputting the orders for hundreds of customers out of those catalogs--by hand. Also, imagine that there was not one other person at Andromeda capable of navigating the esoteric database. There's still no one faster than me on a numpad :D Thanks for sharing!
