Monday 20 May 2019

Time Changes Everything

I have waffled around the subject many times, as I have bored my all but non-existent readership with my my blather but the truth is that after almost fifty years, as a dyed in the wool comic book collector, I think it might just be time to accept that I no longer feel the passion for comic books that I once did.

It is a sad moment for me 
because for most of my life, my relationship with comic books and the collecting mania they spawned, 
defined my life... and now it doesn't!

With this being the forty third anniversary of 
The Silver Snail, 
it has brought into sharp focus for me, 
the fact that I haven't actually been a regular visitor to the store, in almost a quarter of a century!

What was once a dire necessity, that burning desire for the latest batch of comic books, on New Comic Book Day, has faded into an almost once a month, wander through Toronto and the few remaining second hand book shops.

The comic books don't speak to me anymore.
The stories that they tell and the motivations of the characters within them, are all alien to me and where I once haunted the shelves, looking for comics that would catch my interest, these days I barely glance at them!

It is, I have to concede, time that I left it to the younger crowd and concentrated my efforts on remembering the old days and documenting them for anyone who might be interested.

So far, my interest in cartooning and the art of making comic strips and comic books, continues to be a passion.
So, there is the subject matter that I will try to write about, hopefully in a manner that enlightens and entertains.

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