Thursday 17 April 2014

Beginning Again

It has been quite a while since my last posting and in the meantime Google has taken over Blogger and I cannot access my old Blog!

Oh, well.  Nothing lost and perhaps something to gain, since my record of posting on the old Blog was terrible.  If anyone is interested, the old Blog was called Tiriki Avenue.

When I began posting on Tiriki Avenue, I had thoughts of aping the Art & Cartoon Blogs that I greatly admired but I am no longer sure of that direction.  With that in mind, I would like to propose an eclectic collection of thoughts and images that will mirror the title I chose for this endeavour, because it refers to the old adage, "A mind is like a parachute, it only works when it is open".

So, anyone who stumbles by here, will get to peruse the ramblings of my aging brain and all the accumulated trivia that it contains; or at least the bits that can still retrieve!

I have been an enthusiastic amateur cartoonist for over 40 years and a collector of comic books, magazines and books about art and illustrators.  It has been and continues to be a great hobby, I heartily recommend it, even with the vast amounts of money that I have spent on it over the years.  There are still some treasures to be found in the dollar bins and at very reasonable prices in the second hand stores.

The illustration above is one of mine.  It took me way to long to complete but my life was hectic at the time and I would like to think that Irena, the commissioner, was happy with the result.  She never did say.

With the hope that this is only the first of many, regular posts to come...

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